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Regimental Order Book


Regimental Order Book
22nd Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers


In Camp Schouler
Lynnfield Sept. 13, 1861
Order No. 1

The commanders of companies will report immediately at the surgeons with all men who have not undergone surgical examination.


On Order of Commander
Wm. S. Tilton



Order No. 2


Officers commanding companies will parade the recruits not yet sworn in on their company grounds at 3 o'clock P.M. precisely this day to be mustered into the service.


On Order of the Commander
Wm. S. Tilton


Order No. 3


The Battalion drill at 8 A.M. will be discontinued for the present. Commanders of companies will at that hour cause thier men to be instructed in the "School of the Soldier"; the only tactic recognized being the U. S. Infantry and Rifle tactics of May 1861.


On Order of the Commander
Wm. S. Tilton

Sept 14 1861


Order No. 4


The attention of commanding companies is called to the following Articles of War art. 3 "Any non-commissioned officer or soldier who shall use any profane oath or execration, shall incur the penalties expressed in the foregoing article; and a commissioned officer shall forfeit and pay, for each and every such offense, one dollar, to be applied as in the preceding articles."


Art. 6 "Any officer or soldier, who shall behave himself with contempt or disrespect toward his commanding officer, shall be punished, according to the nature of his offense, by the judgement of a court-martial."


Art. 9 "Any officer or soldier who shall strike his superior officer, or draw or lift up any weapon, or offer any violence against him, being in the execution of his office, on any pretense whatsoever, or shall disobey any lawful command of his superior officer, shall suffer death, or such other punishment as shall, according to the nature of his offense, be inflicted upon him by the sentence of a court-martial."


Per Order of Major Griswold
Wm. S. Tilton
Sep 14/61


Order No. 5


Commanders of companies will cause list to be made of those men who were sworn into service on yesterday; said lists to be maintained at Company Quarters until further orders.


Per Order of the Commander
Wm. S. Tilton

Sep 14/61


Order No. 6


There will be no drill tomorrow. Commanders of companies will use all due diligence in promoting quiet and discipline. Keeping the men in quarters when they are not on duty.Article 30 Army Regulations. "Captains will inspect their companies every Sunday morning. No soldier will be excused from Sunday inspection, except the guard, the sick and the necessary attendants in the hospital." Comapnies will be mustered for inspection at 9 A.M.


Per Order of the Commander
Wm. S. Tilton, Adjt.
Sep 14, 1861


HeadQuarters 22d Regt

Camp Schouler Sep 15, 1861


Order No. 7


The occurrence of the last 24 hours have rendered it necessary for the Commanding officer to particularly call the attention of all officers and men to the following Article of War which will be rigidly enforced.


Art. 7 Any officer or soldier who shall begin, excite, cause or join in, any mutiny or sedition, in any troop or company in the service of the United States, or in any party, post detachment, or guard shall suffer death, or such other punishments as by a court-martial shall be inflicted.


Art. 6 Any officer or soldier, who shall behave himself with contempt or disrespect toward his commanding officer, shall be punished, according to the nature of his offense, by the judgement of a court-martial.


Art. 8 Any officer or non-commissioned officer, or soldier, who, being present at any mutiny or sedition, does not use his utmost endeavor to suppress the same, or, coming to the knowledge of any intended mutiny, does not, without delay, give information thereof to his commanding officer, shall be punished by the sentence of a court-martial with death, or otherwise, according to the nature of the offense


.Art. 9 Any officer or soldier who shall strike his superior officer, or draw or lift up any weapon, or offer any violence against him, being in the execution of his office, on any pretense whatsoever, or shall disobey any lawful command of his superior officer, shall suffer death, or such other punishment as shall, according to the nature of his offense, be inflicted upon him by the sentence of a court-martial.


Art. 46 Any sentinel who shall be found sleeping upon his post, or shall leave it before he shall be regularly relieved, shall suffer death, or such other punishment as shall be inflicted by the sentence of a court martial.


Private J. E. Hopkins of the 4 Co. was on the night of 13 inst. found asleep on his post as sentry by the Articles of War his punishment is ---- death.


In consideration of his previous good conduct and several [?] circumstances, this, his first offense is pardoned by the Colonel, and he is hereby released from arrest. He and all other enlisted men will take notice that a second offence of this kind will not be pardoned and will be attended with the most serious consequences.


Per Order
Wm. S. Tilton, Adjt



HeadQuarters 22d Regt

Camp Schouler Lynnfield

Sep 16, 1861


Order No. 8


All detachments of recruits must be accompanied by an officer who must be held responsible for their good behavior while on the cars and he should also reciept the number of recruits so transfered which is their voucher to the bill presented this office #.#Qr. Mr. Genl Office


Per Order of Commander
Wm. S. Tilton


HeadQuarters 22d Regt

Camp Schouler Lynnfield

Sep 19, 1861


Order No. 10


On and after tomorrow 20th inst. the hours of service and roll call at this post will be as follows, until further order.

Reveille 6 A. M.

Peas on a Trencher 7 " "

1st Sergt's Call 7 1/2 " "

Assembly 8 " "

1st Call 9 " "

Troop }Guard Mounting 9 10 " "

Assembly 10 " "

Roast Beef 12 " "

Assembly 1 1/2 P. M.

Assembly 3 1/4 " "

To the }Color bat Drill 3 1/2 " "

Retreat 5 " "

Peas on a Trencher 6 " "

Tattoo 9 1/2 " "

Taps 10 " "


Per Order of the Commander
Wm. S. Tilton



HeadQuarters 22d Reg

tCamp Schouler Lynnfield

Sep 19, 1861


Order No. 11


The following companies are hereby designated to form the 22d Regt Mass Volunteers, and the captains mentioned will govern themselves accordingly.


1 A Co. Capt Sampson

10 B " " Brewster

5 C " " Wardwell

3 D " " Burt

7 E " " Dunning

2 F " " Cogswell

9 G " " Thompson of Woburn

6 H " " Whor

f4 I " " Thompson of Haverhill

8 K " "


Per Order
Wm. S. Tilton



HeadQuarters 22d Regt

Camp Schouler Lynnfield

Sep 19, 1861


Order No. 12


At ten o'clock tomorrow 20th inst.instead of the "Assembly", the "General" will be sounded. At this signal, the tents on the left of the Battery will be struck, folded, and piled on the Reg't Parade, 10 paces in advance of the Color line - under a strong guard. Immediately afterward, a detachment from each company under the command of the junior Lieut will march to the Qr Mr's store to receive the new tents, which, when received, will be piled, immediately in front of the company kitchen, according to the post of the Captain of the 22d in line and left under a guard to await the order of the Quartermaster.


Order No. 13


Officers appointed to companies of the Regiment are hereby to procure the full and "exact uniform" and "equipment" of U. S. officers of "Infantry" according to theor several grades at teh "earliest moment". By Permission of the Colonel, no officer will be required to wear epaulettes; but in every other particular the Articles of the U. S. Bill of Dress will be strickly adhered to.The Major Commanding requests all Officers to appear at the Dress Parade on Wednesday at the latest, equipped as above. On drill the fatigue sack may be worn; but the Officer of the Day and the Officer of the Guard will appear in the full uniform. At Dress Parade every officer should appear with sword and belt, sash, white gloves, sword knot, uniform coat and trowsers and shoulder straps.


Per Order of Commander
Wm. S. Tilton



Head Quarters

Sep 25, 1861


Order No. 14


The following companies are hereby designated to form the 22d Regt Mass Volunteers and the Captains mentioned will govern themselves accordingly.


In Line

Co A Capt Sampson 1

Co B " Wardwell 10

Co C " Burt 5

Co D " Dunning 3

Co E " Cogswell 7

Co F " Thompson of Woburn 2

Co G " Whorf 9

Co H " Thompson of Haverhill 6

Co I " Havelock Guards 4

Co K " Not designated 8


Per Order of the Colonel
Wm. S. Tilton



Head Quarters

Sept 26, 1861


Order No. 16


The following companies are hereby detached from the Regiment to be organized into the 23d viz:


Company from Salem Capt Brewster

" " Marblehead " Martin

" " Plymouth " Alexander

" " Foxboro " Har

t" " Gloucester " Center

" " Beverly " Raymond

" " Charlestown " Tibbetts

" " Harvard " Sawyer

" " Boston " Batchelder

" " Carre " McFarland

" " Salem " Deveraux

" " Ipswich " Hobbs


The McClellan Guards Capt Williams will remain with the Regiment and constitute the 8th Co.


Per Order of the Col.
Wm. S. Tilton



HeadQuarters 22d Regiment

Camp Schouler

Sept 26, 1861


Order No. 15


As soon as equipments, uniforms and arms are issued to the men the commanding officer particularly call the attention of officers in command of companies to Article 13 of the Regulations and especially to Nos 88-90, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 109, 110; and relative to cleanliness and consequent health of the men, Nos 92, 93, 94, 95 & 96 of the same article.


All men for battalion drill this afternoon will appear with muskets carefully cleaned and if possible with new belts and fatigue dress.


Muskets will be habitually stacked on the color line excepting in bad weather and at night when they will be kept in the tents.


Battalion drill this day will begin at 3 P. M. precisely.


The commanding officer expects that all belt plates, tips of bayonet swcabbards and metal hat ornament shall always be perfectly bright, and that the men's clothing be clean and neat.


Per Order of the Commander
Wm. S. Tilton



Head Quarters 22d Regiment

Camp Schouler

Sept. 29, 1861


Order No. 17


Commanders of companies in the Regt will forward to this Headquarters at the earliest convenience a "full" descriptive roll of their respective commands.These lists will be returned after copies of them are taken.

Per Order of the Commander

Wm. S. Tilton



Order No. 18


HeadQuarters, 22d Regiment

Camp Schouler

Sept. 29, 1861


In consequence of the speedy departure of the 22d Regt from this post it becomes necessary to employ every moment in drilling and disciplining the men.


Therefore, on and after tomorrow, the 29th, the Reg't will parade at 3 P. M. precisely, with knapsacks, belts complete and full fatigue uniform for Bat Drill.


Officers will instruct their respective commands thoroughly in the full manuals and in marching in exact time and cadence; 110 steps to the minute, 28 inch step.



Per Order of the Commander
Wm. S. Tilton



HeadQuarters 22d Regt

Sep 29, 1861



No blankets will be carried at Battalion Drill this P. M.When carried, they will be strapped on the top and sides of the knapsacks.



C. E. Griswold Major




Oct 3, 1861


Order No. 19


Each Captain will furnish or apply for at once, two musicians, who will be enlisted, and sworn in; they will apply for uniforms for them as they are sworn in.


No chevrons will be worn on the blouse; they will be issued by the Qr. Master with the coat on which they are to be placed.


No Knapsacks, Haversacks or Canteens are to be marked in any way except by order of the Qr. Master, and then o0nly in accordance with regulation.


Captains will see that their commands are thoroughly and precisely drlled in the Light Infantry Manual, according to the new Tactics; copies of which may be had of the Q. Master.


Attention is requested to Art 407 Army Regulations. Non-Commissioned Officers will be required to study Art 365 to 421 inclusive.



By Order of the Commander
Wm. S. Tilton



HeadQuarters Camp Schouler

Oct 3, 1861


Order No. 20


The attention of commanders of companies is called to Articles 97 and 1245 of Army Regulations. All damage to arms must be made good from the pay of the soldier by whose abuse the said damages were occaisoned.


Arms are to be habitually stacked on the Color line in fair weather.


Articles 244 @ 247 will be read to the men.The Regulation respecting the men's sinks are not enforced so rigidly as they should be.


Per Order of the Commander
Wm. S. Tilton

Order No. 21 (never published)
Head Quarters 22nd Reg't Mass
Oct. 6th, 1861

The twenty-second regiment Mass. Vols, Col. Wilson, will leave Lynnfield on Tuesday, Oct 8th and will arrive at Boston at nine o'clock A. M. when it will proceed to the Common where a banner wil be presented by Hon. Robert C. Winthrop. The regiment will then be reviewed by Gov. Andrew, after which it will proceed to the Worcester Railroad Station, and start for New York at one o'clock P. M.


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