22ndMass / USSC Boston Branch
"Here's a yellow sash for six feet of Virginia soil..."
Captain John F. Dunning, 22nd MVI, Co. D
USSC Boston Branch Recreated
The Recreated Boston Branch of the United States Sanitary Commission. Research focus is on the daily operation of the Boston Branch, it's members, stories, contributions, from the New England area, while never ignoring the accomplishments of the national organization as a whole.
We are a carefully researched, seriously minded (but we do have fun), educational group, made up of dedicated civilians. We strive to adhere to strict guidelines of proper authentic attire that would reflect relief workers from the Boston area, and also strict guidelines for the equipment we use in camp. We want spectators to really feel like they have travelled back to the 1860's and try to immerse the public as much as possible in our scenarios. We are constantly updating and improving the impression and are never satisfied with just being "good enough to get by". Some of our portrayls are the VRC (Veterans Reserve Corps), a recreated Adams express office, laundress, cook, camp inspectors, field hospital, soldiers repose, surgeons, sutlers, supply office and mock Sanitary fairs.
We do living histories, encampments, parades, picnics, balls and cermonies
We are made up of males, females, single folks, married folks and families.We are always looking for new members who are excited about participating in living history and recreating the past. We encourage anyone who is interested to contact someone in our group for more information. For people who may be brand new to the hobby, we offer mentors to start them off right, and make sure that they enjoy themselves from the first event.
Won Award for "Best Overall Civilian Impression" at the Chase Farm Event in Lincoln RI September 2011.
Proud members of the Mifflin Guard Civilians