22ndMass / USSC Boston Branch
"Here's a yellow sash for six feet of Virginia soil..."
Captain John F. Dunning, 22nd MVI, Co. D
Terms of Use
By requesting a User Id for the 22ndmass.org Members section, users are implicitly stating that they have reviewed and understood the Terms of Use outlined below.
The information Contained in the Members Only section of the 22ndMass website is property of the 22nd Mass and is intended for member use only. This information is not to be shared with non-members without explicit consent from the 22nd Mass Board of Directors.
Access to the Members Only section will be limited to members in good standing of the 22nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry (dues paid and , not suspended, etc.). USSC will be granted to users approved by the USSC Board of Directors.
Members Contact Information is for Member use only. The information contained in this section is not to be distributed to non-members or outside sources, and is to be used for 22nd Mass related activities only. Personal use of this information is prohibited.
The Comments section is intended for members to make productive suggestions, requests, inquiries, or to leave comments regarding events. Vulgar, abusive, or offensive comments will not be tolerated for any reason.
Violations of any of the above terms can result in suspension of user access to the Members section of the website. Dependent or the severity of the infraction, the incident can be referred to the 22nd Mass Board of Directors for action, and if necessary to local/Federal law enforcement authorities for investigation.