22ndMass / USSC Boston Branch
"Here's a yellow sash for six feet of Virginia soil..."
Captain John F. Dunning, 22nd MVI, Co. D
Woburn Weekly Budget - August 11, 1861
We visited this camp during the past week. It is situated in Lynnfield, near the Lynnfield Hotel, and is distant from Woburn by about nine miles. The ride over is a very pleasant one, and several of our citizens have visited the camp since the Union Guard has been stationed there.
Last Sunday there were twenty-five from Woburn who partook of the hospitalities of the Guard. The 19th regiment, in which we are most interested, is encamped near the railroad track, and in going from the hotel in the first one which is reached. The camp ground is a large pasture extending to a pine grove which is on a gentle slope leading down to the Lynnfield Pond. The place is well adapted to the purpose, having ample parade ground, a shelter in the rear (the grove), and a pond of excellent water. The ground on whcih are pitched the tents of Co. K is slightly inclined, so that the water after rains readily runs off, leaving them dry. The company is furnished with wall tents, having a double roof or fly, so that the heaviest rain passes over them without giving them inconvenience. There are now five mess tents served to the Union Guard, besides the officer's tents, and more will be furnished as the recruits come in. The commissary department is superintended by Private G., who has proved himself thus far a Prince of cooks, as not only the company, but visiting friends will freely testify. The uard has laready won a good name for itself in the regiment, for the good conduct of the men and thier good discipline. No member of the company has been under arrest since they joined the regiment. They are making good proficiency in drill, and no doubt will make a very creditable appearance before the regiment is ordered into active service. During the week that they have been in camp several recruits form Woburn have joined them, and more will go next week. Those that are in camp, are anxious that they may be increased immediately, so that they may be able to retain their organization, and all who are intending to enlist may as well do so now, and let Woburn have he honor of sending one full company from town. The men all look well, and will no doubt prove a credit to old Woburn.
It has been said that the 19th would be removed from Camp Schouler and stationed at Fort Independence, but we are informed by Capt. Thompson, that such is not the case, and that the regiment will probably continue at Lynnfield until ordered to the seat of war. The regiment is under the command of Col. E. W. Hinks, late of the 8th regiment. The Lieut. Col. is Capt. Deveraux, of the Salem Zouaves. The Zouaves are acting as instructors of the various companies. This regiment will include the famous Tiger Zouaves of Boston and the Salem Zouaves. There are now about 700 in the regiment, and it is rapidly filled up. It will be several weeks, however, before they are ready to leave.
The seventeenth is encamped on the same ground, ad is temporarily under the command of Col. Lyman Dike. We did not visit the regiment, it is in about the same condition as the 19th.
We hope the citizens will find it in ther way to visit the camp and call at the tents of Co. K, where they will always be well recieved. The company enjoys very good health, considering the abrupt change in mode of living with most of them, and are well contented with the prospect before them. We shall keep our readers informed of the progress of the company. We would say to those families of soldiers who may wish to forward to them any packages, that they will be forwarded if left at this office.