22ndMass / USSC Boston Branch
"Here's a yellow sash for six feet of Virginia soil..."
Captain John F. Dunning, 22nd MVI, Co. D
Woburn Weekly Budget - March 9, 1862
Camp Wilson
22d Reg. Mass. Vols.
Hall's Hill, Va.
March 9, 1862
A week ago today a sad event occurred in our camp, no less than the death of a member of the Union Guard in the hospital. Andrew J. Harris had been in ill health for some time previous to the sickness which resulted in his death, but friends were not solicitous, as it did not seem likely to be serious; though having an attack of deafness he was advised to get discharged from the service, but he was so much opposed to it that no measures were taken to effect it, and his hearing was partially restored. About a month ago he took a violent cold, and that led to typhoid fever, and he was removed to the hospital. He was deranged during most of the time he was in the hospital, and although there were lucid intervals, they were of short duration, and his comrades were unable to converse with him, and a great part of the time were not allowed to visit him. It was thought that he would recover, however, until the day before he died, when his friends were informed by telegraph that he could not live. He died at one o'clock Sunday morning, having been unconscious since the previous afternoon. The sad news was immediately dispatched to his relatives, and preparations made for sending the body home. A metallic casket was procured in Washington by the company, and the remains hermetically sealed. On Tuesday morning funeral exercises took place, near the hospital, consisting of a short address and prayer by the chaplain. The funeral escort, consisting of eight privates with arms reversed, commanded by Corpl. F. W. Thompson, preceded by the band, then marched to the entrance of the camp. The coffin was borne by six pall-bearers from other companies, and was followed by the Union Guard without arms. Arrived at the entrance, the remains were taken by Capt. Thompson and Sergt. Merriam, who conveyed them to Washington and from there forwarded them to Woburn. On return of the company to their quarters the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas. God in his providence has seen fit to remove from our ranks by death our friend and fellow soldier, ANDREW J. HARRIS, therefore
Resolved. That although he fell not on the field of battle, where glory may be won, yet his constant cheerfulness in health, making all who knew him friends; his faithful discharge of his duty; his devotion to his country, and his uncomplaining resignation during his last sickness, has made his memory dear to each one of us; and, although the hand of death has stricken his name from our rolls, yet it will remain on the tablets of our memories.
Resolved. That we tender our sympathies to, and mingle our tears with, relatives and friends of the deceased.
Resolved. That we forward a copy of these resolutions to the family of our deceased friend, and also to the Woburn papers for publication.
This is the first death that has occurred in the company, and I think the first which has occurred among the Woburn soldiers while in service. He was much liked by all the men, and it will be a long time before we forget him.

Paul J. Nason
Private Paul J. Nason, of Company K. who has been acting as Quartermaster's Clerk, has been appointed Quartermaster's Sergeant, in place of D. F. Brown, deceased. The appointment takes effect from the first of March. His experience as clerk in the department has enabled him to become acquainted with the duties of his office, and he will doubtless prove an efficient officer.
The target shooting of the regiment has been concluded, and prizes distributed. Private Wm. B. Smith, of North Woburn, wears the company stadium, he making the best shot in the Union Guard. Last Wednesday the ten soldiers who drew the company prizes, fired ten shots to determine who should wear the regimental stadium, and Private James Allen, of Co. H. took the prize. The company stadium is of brass, and the regimental of silver. There is one prize yet, the brigade prize, which will be shot for by the five regimental holders in the brigade. The shooting for the regimental prize was not so good as that made with the companies, probably owing to the fact that the contestants were fewer, and Gen. Martindale was present.
Last week the Sanitary Commission sent a thousand pairs of stockings to our regiment, which were distributed among the men. They were made by Massachusetts ladies, and many of them contained the names of the knitter, and not a few of them gave evidence of the humorous nature of the donor. One large pair were directed to the giant of the regiment, and would be a fitting counterpart of the famous seven league boots. The stockings are just the kind of present for soldiers, for stockings you know have a wonderful faculty for taking "open order", front as well as rear, and darning the holes is an accomplishment which few patriots possess in great degree. At any rate, a stocking darned in camp is not an easy thing to march on, and the consequence is that we have to draw these useful articles very often. The ladies who knit the socks we receive have the hearty thanks of every bare heeled soldier.

Lieut. W. S. Davis
Lieut. W. S. Davis, of our company, has been appointed on Gen. Martindale's staff, and entered upon the duties of his new station yesterday. The company all feel sorry to have him leave the regiment, as he is a very popular officer. He is only detached from the regiment for the above purpose, and as he ranks the same as now, there is no vacancy here. He was appointed on the signal corps a while ago, but did not join that arm of the service, as our colonel does not like to have his officers taken away. In his present position, he will continue in the brigade, and no doubt will continue to take a lively interest in the welfare of the 22d.
Yesterday, Hon. D. W. Gooch, Capt. T. Winn, Lieut. C. S. Converse, and Mr. Chas. G. Lund, surprised us with a visit. We were looking for the Woburn gentlemen, but did not know what day they would give us a call. None of us supposed we would be here to see anyone, when our townsmen visited us last week, and this party hardly expected to find us on Hall's Hill; but we remain here yet, and that isn't all, - we seem likely to do so. Capt. Winn and Mr. Lund accepted the hospitalities of our camp, and Lieut. Converse visited his friends in the 9th. They divided their time between the 9th and 22d, and tomorrow will start for the upper Potomac. The weather is beautiful, just right for a pleasure trip, and our friends could not have chosen a better time. They report that the snow was on the ground at home, but it seems strange to us, it is so mild and warm here. I think the seasons must be several weeks ahead of that at home.
The right wing of the 22d goes out on picket tomorrow, and we shall take out as many as possible from Company F. Captain Thompson, Lieut. Crane, Sergts. Stratton, Merriam and Rundle, Corporals Bryant, Parker and Newcombe will go out with them.
I am just informed that Wm. Gillepsie, who has been sick in our hospital, unable to be removed, is dead. He suffered considerably, and was unconscious most of the time. He died at one o'clock this afternoon, and the sad intelligence has been telegraphed to his friends in Woburn. The body was taken to Washington this afternoon, and forwarded to Massachusetts tomorrow. Mr. Gillepsie was born in Ireland, and was 44 years of age. He had an attack of hemorrhage while on his way out here , and has not been able to do full duty for much of the time since. He was a man of robust frame, and was thought at the time the Union Guard went into camp at Lynnfield to be one of the most rugged in the company. Appearances are often deceptive, and disease may have even then been gnawing at his vitals. He did his duty well as long as he had strength, and has now gone to his rest. Peace to his ashes.
John Lord Parker