22ndMass / USSC Boston Branch
"Here's a yellow sash for six feet of Virginia soil..."
Captain John F. Dunning, 22nd MVI, Co. D
Woburn Weekly Budget - April 3, 1862
In Camp Near Hampton, Va
April 3, 1862
My last was dated at this place, and we are somewhat disappointed at having remained her so long. But there are good reasons for it, and so no more need be said. Our location is very poor, being on low ground, which is at all time damp, and in rainy weather, very wet. We found this out to our sorrow on Saturday night. Rain began falling during the afternoon, and expecting a wet night, trenches were dug around the tents to carry off the water. Fastening the ponchos securely we lay down to sleep soon after dark. About half past ten my chum awoke me by his efforts to sound the depth of the channel which was running into the tent. We found that we had been lying in several inches of water and teh flood was still rising. That was too much, so getting up we fished out our stuff, and going to the fire which was burning in the company street tried to get comfortable. We kept up the fire all night, and by turning round and round before it, managed to keep warm, though we were far from being dry. There were several others in as bad a fix as myself. The trouble with our tent was, the field was formerly laid out in ridges and planted, and the hollows between them filling with water, conducted it under the tent which happened to be in the line. Next day we all got dry, and ready for another soaking. There are ten Massachusetts regiments and three batteries in our immediate vicinity, and the visiting between them is considerable. They are all well disciplined and will do their best to keep up the good name which the soldiers from the old Bay State have earned. There is a continual stream of soldiers arriving in our camp all day from other regiments, each seeking a friend, and a full number of passes allowed are taken up by our boys who have friends, out side of the lines, and there is some visiting without passes. To keep the regiment together we are drilled pretty constantly, and all absentees from drill have knapsack drill as punishment.

Knapsack Drill
It seems rather hard to drill us so much, but of course the officers know best. We had a brigade drill this afternoon which was quite fatiguing, as the sun came out very warm. The game of baseball is being played considerably during the leisure hours snatched from duty, and we are all reminded particularly of boyish days by the fact that although we work hard to play, it don't fatiue us, but when ordered to drill it is very irksome. This forenoon (because it was fast day I presume) there was no company drill, and the staff and line officers had a game by themselves. While this game was going on, twelve of our rank and file challenged an equal number from the New York 13th, and beat them; our boys making 34 tallies to their 10.

Trophy Ball - 22nd Mass Regiment Union - Feb 2, 1864
Last Sunday a picket guard from our regiment went out. Sergt. Merriam, Corpls. Thompson and Simonds and thirty one privates were detailed from our company. About half past ten that night they brought in one of their number named David Campbell, of Co. I shot through the leg by a rebel. He said that seing a man approach his post, he challenged him, when the stranger fired, wounding him as above. He was immediately picked up and brought into camp, they being about a mile and a half away. The ball entered the calf of his leg and passed through, tearing the flesh away, making a large wound. He says the man was within ten feet of him. His wound was dressed by the surgeon and next morning he was taken to the hospital at Ft. Monroe, where he yet remains. It is supposed that there is a large force of rebels near us, but that this man was shot by one of the residents about here, as that is the way most of our pickets are shot.
Since I began to write, orders have come for us to march at daylight, and we have packed accordingly. I must cut this letter short, or it wont go; so I must say good by till next week, and before that time a letter from the 22d may be more interesting.
John Lord Parker