22ndMass / USSC Boston Branch
"Here's a yellow sash for six feet of Virginia soil..."
Captain John F. Dunning, 22nd MVI, Co. D
Woburn Weekly Budget - September 25, 1861
We recieved last week, but too late for publication, a letter from our correspondent in the Union Guard. As there are some parts of it that he would like to have published, and which do not come under the head of "old news", we subjoin an extract. We expect a letter from him each week, and friends will thereby know just where the boys are, and what they are doing.
"The Guards are almost every day made recipients of packages of good things from our friends in Woburn, for which we are truly thankful. It would be quite an effort to gove the names of all donors, but it would not be right to pass without notice Mr. Wm. B. Harris who has in every way interested himself in the company ever since its formation, and has presented us with vegetables of every description, sufficeint for our men and many friends besides; another of our benefactors is Dr. Toothaker of Wilmington, who, with his lady has made us repeated visits and has without exception never failed to remeber the wants of the soldiers, and thinking that fresh eggs were not easy of access to us, have brought us quite a quantity; another of our friends id Mr. Gardner, from South Reading, who calls with his family quite often, and always remembers us by bringing "goodies" for the boys, and while the men have been remembered, our officers have not been forgotten. Capt. Thompson recieved a splendid sword (the best that could be procured in Boston) from his brother, and also a bowie knife from J. E. Littlefield, Esq. The uniforms which were furinshed us when we came to camp, have been placed in competent hands to be cleansed, and will then be forwarded to the Town Committee."
After a long series of annoying delays this company has at last gone to war. The history of the company is well known to our readers, and we are confident that its conduct will be such during the campaign upon whcih it has entered, that they will not wish to forget it. It has been no easy task to keep the company together under so many discouraging reverses, and the officers and men are alike entitled to credit for the present result. An effort was made to have all the commissions held by Woburn men, but the Colonel was anxious to have is regiment filled up, and rather then wait for the company to be recruited by a gentlemen from Woburn, who would thereby have benn entitled to the plac eof Second Lieutenant,he appointed a gentlemen from Milton, who went into the company with twenty-six men. The ranks of the company are more then full, as will be seen by the annexed roll. the regiment to whcih they are attached, the 22d, Col. Henry Wilson, broke camp early Tuesday morning, and embarked in the cars of the South reading Branch Railroad for Boston, where they arrived about 11 o'clock. They marched at once to the Common, where they breakfasted, and were then reviewed by the Governor. From the Common they marched o the Worcester Railroad depot, and took cars for New York.
Capt. Thompson was presented by Capt. W. T. Grammer,in behalf of Mrs. James M. Randall, with a Colt's revolving pistol. Orderly Sergeant W. R. Bennett recieved a like present from Serg't Luke R. Tidd, of this town. The Guard recieved numerous favors from the citizens of Woburn during their stay in camp, which have done much towards lightening the burden of camp duty. We hope they will not be forgotten now that they have entered upon the realities of soldier life. The company went off in good health and high spirits.