22ndMass / USSC Boston Branch
"Here's a yellow sash for six feet of Virginia soil..."
Captain John F. Dunning, 22nd MVI, Co. D
Woburn Weekly Budget - October 15, 1861
Hall's Hill, Fairfax Co., Va.,
October 15th, 1861
I take this first opportunity I have had since leaving Lynnfield to write you a few lines, and I thought as we had a few friends left in old Woburn, it might be interesting to them to know how the Guard are getting along, I will give you a rough outline of our journey. We struck tents on Tuesday morning, Oct 8, at 4 o'clock, and left in a special train for Boston at 7 1/2, ariving there about 9 o'clock. We there formed in line and marched through Haymarket square and Blackstone street to Merchants Row, up State and Tremont Streets to the common. We the stacked arms and had a breakfast, after which we formed a line, were reviewed and recieved a splendid stand of colors. We were then marched to the Worcester depot, and took a special train at o'clock for Worcester.
It would be useless for me to attempt to describe the reception which awaited us everywhere we went, and I will only mention more prominent parts. You have probably seen the papers before this of the reception in Boston, and I will say nothing about it, but as we went over the road at all depots and stations crowds assembled, notwithstanding the rain, to cheer us as we passed. As we entered the town of West Needham, I saw a crowd standing a short way from the dept, and when we got nearer, there stood three young ladies dresed in red, white, and blue, holding in their hands the stars and stripes. The crowd formed a half circle around them, and such cheering I have never heard before. In Natick hundreds of people were waiting for us, and as we passed the depot, a salute was fired and a flag raised on the staff. We arrived in Springfield at 10 o'clock, crowds of people thronging the depot, and when the cars stopped men were in waiting to pass in refreshments, consisting of sandwiches, crackers and coffee, which were prepared for by the shop girls, and I think the reception there equalled if not surpassed anything on the route. We arrived in New Haven at quarter before three on Wendesday morning, and although it was so late the depot was full of people who had crackers and coffee waiting for us, whcih was well recieved by the boys. We waited there for three quarters of an hour, then started again. At Bridgeport we were expected the evening before at 9 o'clock, and everything was in readiness for a reception, but we were delayed, and did not arrive until six o'clock Thursday morning. The people had all gone home, and the man who was to fire the salutesaid someone had spiked the gun and he could not fire it. We made no other stops of importance until we reached New York, Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock. We went to the Ocean House on 32d street, and had the breakfast for which the State of Massachusetts paid so liberally. It consisted of soups, and not a spoon was to be had with which to eat it. I had the good fortune to find a fork, and after I had eaten all I could with that, I lent it to a comrade to try his luck with it. Just after I got out on the street I had an invitation from to take dinner with Mrs. John Dean, No. 90 East 32d street. Arriving there I was surprised to find six more of our company sitting down at the table and taht four had been there and gone away. We then had an invitation to take tea with her if we remained in the city over night, but we were not permitted to accept her king invitation, as we left the city at 7 1/2 o'clock. We took the boat at Battery wharf, and after riding about an hour, arrived at Amboy, where we took the cars and rode to Camden. From thence we took the ferry boat and arrived in Philadelphia at 5 1/2 o'clock Thursday morning. We marched to Church street, No. 1010, to the building known as the Baptist Bethel, and had a good a breakfast as anyone need to have or would be like to have at home. It was the same as is given to every regiment that passes through that part of the city, and is furnished by subscription. After breakfast we went across the street to No. 1008, and had our canteens filled by Miss Kate Alexander who recieved three cheers and a seven from the boys, besides there indivdual thanks, whcih I am afraid did not repay her for her kindnes. We then took up the line of march through the city to the Southern and Western depot, and started for Washington where we arrived at 11 o'clock Friday, at the building known as "Soldier's Rest". We went next to a building known as "Soldier's Retreat", where we took dinner. At half past four we marched through the principle streets to the Capitol. When we arrived there we halted, and the President drove past and saluted us. We then went to a building called Woodward's Hall, where we stopped till Sunday. At two o'clock we started at the "long roll", slung knapsacks and started for the famous "Dixie", where we arrived at 7 1/2 o'clock, pitched tents and turned in, where we were glad to stop as long as we could. The next morning, as I was at breakfast I heard someone say "How are you, Wint?" I started in a hurry and found as I expected, our fellow townsman and old expressmand, Winthrop Wyman. He was as much surprised as we were, as he did not know that we were anywhere in the vicinity. I asked for Dr. Drew, but have not seen him, as he has not been very well for a week, and I have had not had time to go to his quarters. I am writing this letter sitting on a window sill taken from a rebel house, and I can look out of the door of the tent and see shells flying over into rebel camp. One of our men took a walk this morning about a mlee a half distant where he could see the rebels run for the woods. I will write more fully in regards to our camp after I have seen it and learned more in regard to it, but am afraid this will not reach you in time for this week's Budget.
Yours till next week.