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Emily Dickinson Museum Hosts a Living History with the 22nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry

Posted by Capt Browne on Monday 28 May 2012

Emily Dickinson Museum Hosts a Living History with the 22nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry

On April 28 2012, the 22nd Massachusetts led a living history on the lawn of the venerable Emily Dickinson Homestead & Museum. The 22nd MVI had a very busy day, opening with a well-attended drill at 11 AM sharp led by Sergeant Kendall and interpreted for the hale crowd by Captain Browne. At noon, Jen Eastman-Lawrence, Quartermaster Rob O'Bryan and Private James Lawrence entertained the spectators with sequence of songs underlining the effect of the Civil War on the populace. By 1:30 PM, the crowd was primed for a talk by Captain Browne on the 21st Massachusetts-- a focus of much of his own personal research-- its Colonel William Smith Clark, and his adjutant Frazar Stearns. Stearns was a student of nearby Amherst College and a friend to the Dickinson family. The day was closed out with the recitation of a number of poems that highlighted the personal experiences of common people during the war, as read by Jennifer Cotie, Jen Eastman-Lawrence, Captain Browne, Sergeant Kendall, Quartermaster O'Bryan, Corporal Peck, and Private Jeff Lawrence. Throughout the course of the day, Corporal Peck organized and led a number of musters for the younger spectators-- and had quite an extensive following. At one point, the writer noted a long line of mini-privates following Corporal Peck around like baby ducks. Equally mobbed over the course of the day was the United States Sanitary Commission - Boston display manned by Carolyn DiMeo and Jennifer Cotie. Many excellent reports were heard by this writer from the museum staff as to their doings; and the evidence of the huge crowds around the USSC tent speaks volumes in and of itself. The 22nd MVI was well represented in both the civilian and military ranks. The civilian contingent consisted of Carolyn DiMeo, Jennifer Cotie and Jen Eastman-Lawrence. The military wing was led by Captain Patrick Browne, Sergeant Brad Kendall, Quartermaster Rob O'Bryan, Sergeant Ron Eaton of the Second Andrews Sharpshooters, Corporal David Peck, and Ordnance Sergeant Greg Lynes. The military was rounded out by Privates Doug Lyons, Dan Blakie, Mike Reimer, James Lawrence, James Barrett, Evan Liotta, Drew Mondry, and Jeff Lawrence. (If the writer has forgotten anyone, his deepest apologies. He is working solely off his spotty memory.) Pre-event press coverage may be found at Boston Events Insider (link) and MassLive (link). Post-event coverage will be included here when available. --- Upcoming Event: The 22nd Massachusetts will next be engaged at a battle reenactment in Templeton, Massachusetts with our regional affiliation, the New England Brigade. This event will run May 18-20, with public events on the latter two days. 22nd MVI members who would like to sign up should contact Sgt. Kendall for further information

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